It is believed that Fox Terriers have a moderate level of genetic diversity. The population structure and history of this purebred dog breed have shaped its current genomic makeup. It is possible that the breed exhibits some degree of population substructure between distinct lines or geographic regions; however, this phenomenon has not been extensively investigated. Ongoing careful breeding practices will be important for maintaining genetic health in the breed.
Genetic diseases identified in the breed include spinocerebellar ataxia in Smooth-haired Fox Terriers and Van den Ende-Gupta syndrome in Wire-haired Fox Terriers. Establishing a biobank comprising a sufficient number of samples from animals representative of the population will facilitate a detailed description of the breed's genomic diversity. Furthermore, it will enable research into other inherited disorders that have yet to be explained, such as the short toe.
If you would like to participate in our research and are willing to send a blood sample of your dog, please follow the instructions in the above submission form. Additionally, please fill in our short online questionnaire: Fox Terrier survey.